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How Botox Can Help Relieve Migraines

Though it gained popularity primarily from its wrinkle reducing properties since the turn of the century, onabotulinumtoxin A, or Botox, was soon discovered to possess other healing qualities, including the relief of chronic migraine.

12% of Americans today are troubled by the condition of chronic migraines- recurrent, throbbing headaches usually affecting one side of the head. They are often accompanied by nausea, breaks in vision, and sensitivity to light and sound. When those chronic migraines start negatively affecting your health, relationships, and quality of life, it is time to get out of this headache agony and seek relief once and for all.

Since its approval as migraine treatment in 2010 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), millions of patients turn to Botox for a more concrete way to get rid of persistently severe headaches and the sharp pain.

Patients with this disorder often spend up to 14 days a month suffering from a migraine, directly affecting their quality of daily life. Though doctors offer options of pain medication to ease the symptoms and lessen the frequency of migraines, not all people respond with the same intensity, leaving most continually facing some form of pain caused by migraines.

If you are one of these people, Botox Orange County therapy may be the better option, but other treatment options can be found here.

Botox offers a more effective solution because it is done by injecting multiple doses of medicine, a toxic bacterium called Clostridum botulinum, directly into the specific points along the face that migraines affect such as:

  • bridge of the nose
  • temples
  • forehead
  • back of the head

Some patients see results about a week after their first treatment. Some do not see results until after their second treatment. Botox treatments suggests multiple treatments for optimal relief and to check and correct progress, typically once every twelve weeks during a fifteen month period.
Botox injections do more than rid your face of those aging wrinkles. It is also shown to:

  • boost eyebrows
  • rid nasalis lines
  • lift corners of the mouth

It was first founded and popularized for these reasons alone, and it wasn’t until after it gained popularity to be found to possess the cure for this far more serious health concern. It’s not often that science and luck collide, but when they do, it must be taken advantage of!!