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Migraine Trigger Points, and Prevention Tips

Migraine Trigger Points, and Prevention Tips

Migraines can quickly ruin your day. Whether you are at work, or school, migraines can creep up on you anywhere. The excruciating pain caused by a migraine can last up to several days, causing its victim more than just a slight inconvenience.

Although the direct cause of migraines is unknown, many of your daily routines could be contributing factors to the swelling pain caused by a flare up. Locating the cause of your flare ups and preventing them is extremely important and perhaps well within your grasp. Migraine treatment options are also in great supply for those who just can’t seem to bump those awful headaches.

Common Migraine Flare Up Causes

  • Low Blood Sugar (Skipping Meals)
  • Smoking
  • Dehydration
  • Alcohol
  • Irregular Sleep Patterns
  • Foods containing MSG, Tyramine, or Nitrates
  • Hormonal Triggers (Menopause, Birth Control)

Keeping an eye out for these triggers can help prevent migraines. Although migraine prevention can’t be guaranteed by avoiding some of these triggers, it can help take a step towards ending your pain.

Upon discovering your triggers taking the next step can seem difficult. However, these simple and safe options can help prevent future migraines.

Tips to Prevent Migraines

  • Maintain a regular sleep schedule, and gain enough sleep
  • Drink Plenty of Water
  • Don’t Skip Meals
  • Avoid regular use of alcohol, and cigarettes
  • Exercise Regularly

Migraines are a pain, and can stop you from enjoying everyday life. If symptoms worsen, the next best option is to seek treatment. It’s time to find what causes your migraines and implement a prevention plan.