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Compression Fractures

Compression Fractures – Causes and Diagnosis trends A compression fracture happens when the bone collapses or break. Our spine is made up of strong bones (vertebrae). When the vertebrae collapse, decreasing the space between it that is when a compression fracture occurs. A compression fracture may occur anywhere along the spine, but the most common areas for it to occur in are the thoracic region. Causes of Compression Fractures Vertebral Weakness: Most healthy bones can withstand stress but a vertebra that is weak can take very little pressure to cause it to break. Osteoporosis: It is one of the most common reason of compression pressure. Osteoporosis is a disease that causes bone to thin which increases the chance of a person to sustain compression fracture. In people over 50, osteoporosis is one of the most common causes of vertebral compression fractures, and it’s more common than you may think in people ages 40 to 50. Trauma Different trauma like a bad fall, car accident or anything that stresses the spine past its breaking point can cause compression fracture. When to seek immediate help from Medical Personnel

  • If an accident occurs, as soon as you feel pain especially in any elderly person.
  • Severe pain, weakness or numbness.
  • Loss of control of defecation or urine.
  • Pain with high fever.

Diagnosing Compression Fractures

  • Spine surgery consultation
  • X-rays
  • CT Scan or MRI of spine

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